
Thursday, June 3, 2010

The War

War is one word which scares a human being. Ancient times war used to be fought with evil to stop darkness to spread so that peace, harmony and truth exist among living being in this beautiful world created by the genius architecture. He is the ultimate, no one can ever imagine compete with and we are destroying his creativity. Who gave you the right (Government and Enemy countries) to use mankind for your disagreement and use your religion as  a weapon to create a mob among people. 

I believe in Islam who preaches peace and harmony to mankind. We all worship one god, there cannot be two gods. If that is a case (two gods existence) then, how will you judge who is right and who is wrong? Its all our faith which makes us to believe. Believe the truth which has proof, don't mutilate the truth for your benefit. Truth is nothing but your own holy books (books which are never changed i.e., original manuscripts written by messenger during his life, which never contradict itself). 

In current scenario, war has become a means of conquering and earning. Every country is trying to have his command on other country. Where is the preaching given by all the religion regarding wealth vanished. I am feared to move from one city to other, State to state is second one in my own country not because of terror but of acceptance. 

India is not just has enemy outside but even in. India is divided into 28 states not for administration purpose but for religion sake. This is not yet finished each state is again divided into four zone north, south, east and west. Further more cities divided on basis of various religion. Its not over yet these cities are divided by different Grama, villages having  majority of particular religion and then its divided by area and individual. Note: Its done by us (Human Being)

Don't you people think its so creative work??? 

Yes off course, if you want to divide to such a core you need to have that level of creativity. God divided human in two category and we divided into sub-sub-sub-sub-sub... category.

Now tell me who is genius we the people or the god?

Big question isn't it......

People think!!! whom we are killing is our own brothers and sisters of same species. What difference we would  make by killing? If you still wana kill. Kill the evil exist inside you that itself is war to be fought for whole life.

I pray to god let there be peace in the world!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bribery Act

Bribery / Corruption in India has reached now to $1000000 per year. 86% of corruption is at grass level but still we are relaxed and not concerned about the national wealth. This corruption though bought a huge sum money in economy by means of MNC (Multi-National Companies). These MNC recover those investment by exploiting the natural resources and reap benefits bribing official. We don't blame the lower level worker because they are the puppets of Higher Authority but the fact is initiation or implementation of Bribery Act should be done at this level. Where people are of our country are encouraging corruption, calls for a strict and stringent act like what UK is now planning to improvise its standards from liberal punishment and considered bribery as an act equivalent to criminal act.

The question asked by our next generation would be:

  1. Why corruption?
  2. Why compromise on standards?
  3. Is word ethical relevant to business scenario in India?
  4. Rethink on adoption of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization)?
  5. Does more options means levels excellence or different packets with same content?
  6. ..................

Questions will just go on increasing.....

I request all Indians and people around globe stop corruption and make your life better.